
2021Departmental Teaching Award
Materials Science and Engineering
2020Subaward from SRA

New Layered 2D Gate Dielectrics for Scaled BEOL Transistors

William Vandenberghe (sole PI)
2020Award from Intel Corporation - SRA

Current Flow in Electrical Contacts to TMD-materials

William Vandenberghe (sole PI)
2020UTD Spring 2020 Seed Grant

The Marriage of Two-Dimensional Materials and Topological Insulators

Bing Lv (PI), William Vandenberghe (co-PI)
2020Award from TSMC

Study of Electronic Transport in Extremely Scaled Semiconductors

W.G. Vandenberghe (PI), M.V. Fischetti (co-PI)
2020Award from Texas Instruments

Device Physics Limits of LDMOS Scaling project

William Vandenberghe (sole PI)
2019NSF award #1710066

INTERN DCL - CDS&E - ECCS: Plane-wave Electronic Transport (PETRA)

Grant supplement
2019 NSF award #1916612

Dilute-Donor Organic Solar Cells: Breaking the Fullerene Monopoly

J. Hsu (PI), W. Vandenberghe (co-PI)
2019Award from Texas Instruments

Simulation of an LDMOS Transistor with a Cylindrical Drift Region

William Vandenberghe (sole PI)
2019Award from TSMC

Electronic properties and transport in low-dimensionality materials for future transistor applications

Grant supplement
2018Award from Texas Instruments

Determine fundamental device physics limits to silicon LDMOS scaling

William Vandenberghe (sole PI)
20182D Materials Reviewer Award
2018Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Young Investigator Award
2018NSF award #1802166

Collaborative Research: Defect Immune, Topologically Protected Devices for Ultra-Low Power Electronics

C.L. Hinkle (PI, Notre Dame), W.G. Vandenberghe (co-PI), and Robert Wallace (co-PI)
2017Award from TSMC

Electronic properties and transport in low-dimensionality materials for future transistor applications

Massimo Fischetti (PI), William Vandenberghe (co-PI)
2017NSF award #1710066

CDS&E - ECCS: Plane-wave Electronic TRAnsport (PETRA)

W.G. Vandenberghe (PI), M.V. Fischetti (co-PI)
2016SISPAD 2016 Best Paper Award: 2nd rank

Modeling Topological-Insulator Field-Effect Transistors using the Boltzmann Equation

W.G. Vandenberghe, M.V. Fischetti
2014KU Leuven Research Council prize for Science, Engineering and Technology
2009 - 2012PhD stipend from the Instituut voor Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT) Vlaanderen
2008IEEE Region 8 Student paper contest: second prize (on page 11)
2007IEEE Student Branch Leuven Student paper contest: second prize
2007AMI Semiconductor Master thesis prize
2002Flemish Mathematics Olympiad: first prize
Selection Belgian International Olympiad (IMO) Team
2002Finalist Flemish Physics Olympiad
2001 & 2002Finalist Flemish Mathematics Olympiad
2001 & 2002Finalist Flemish Chemistry Olympiad